Sometimes they just get caught in the eye


You liked sunsets so much.

You liked how I became happy when I took some photographs to remeber some awful  memories.

You liked the fact that yours were better than mine but you said that mine were better, anyway.

You liked to tell that I was such a good photographer.

You liked to see how sunbeams danced through my hairs, painting them gold.

You liked how it made us so similar.

Now you walk with somebody else, somebody with hair dark as night.

Now you wear her perfume like if it is the most beautiful scent you have never felt.

Now you follow her path trying to catch something gold in her feets.

You know that you will not find it.

You don’t care. You think you are happy with it, without any sunbeam to atcfh you dancing.

Currently listening: Needle in the hay, Elliott Smith

Are we going to a funeral?

No, I don’t wear black because I am a sad person or because I am following some king of gothic affiliation. I just feel more confident wearing this “non-colour”. It makes me feel powerful with tons of energy runing through me. Don’t believe that I don’t like pther kind of colours like red or even yellow but black means poetry, nights without an end or even love. Yeah, that kind of love that completelly sorrounds you with its black wings. Love is not just red, the kind of blood, you know. Love is like a rainbow, made of every single bite of dust and rain, showing each single sensation that we feel. Now you are gone away but I think that we will never be completelly apart, there will always be music to connect us. So I think that I will not stop wearing black, because life is not a funeral, it is a big party where everybody can cherish a sun beam although the risk of burning.


Sometimes it seems like I’m the only human who still hasn’t found a mate, somebody to share adventures and lifetime togheter. I’ve tried being kind and open hearted with guys and people I thought could be good for me. I was wrong, problably. I feel like if I walk alone following my path, I will always be alone, without somebody that could warm me and my blue heart. I wonder if I am wrong. Nobody feels right in this precise moment, but sometimes you feel more alone than others. In this cases I think that I ame lucky having a little voice that tells me to hold on and that love, light, can be found even in the darkest places (Dumbledore you know what I mean). We are not alone, each one of us has music, poetry, art, photography, litterature, we are full of life and love, even if it is not the kind we think of. We are free to love and be loved, we just don’t have to stay in a spot and let the time consume us with hate and laziness, we have to jump out of our chair and scream out what we think. Don’t let circumstances hould you down without a reason to fight for.

Always good, always punk

currently listening: Zombie, The Cranberries



Sono io, Ninja, un alieno qualsiasi che è caduto sulla Terra pochi anni fa. Ho passato i miei primi anni su questo pianeta pensando che seguire passo passo quello che le riviste dicevano fosse la via giusta per essere “cool” o “fashion”. Ma la vita di tutti i giorni non è come una sfilata di Victoria’s Secret. Quasi nessuno ha lo stesso corpo di Gigi Hadid o il sex appeal di Cara Delevigne. Quindi bisogna ingegnarsi, andare oltre quello che le grandi marche ci dicono di fare, indossare o pensare (in fondo siamo tutti un po’ dei punk perbene no?), bisogna trovare altri modi per creare un proprio stile che non sempre è uguale a quello che vediamo sulle riviste. Il mio scopo è quello di aprire una finestrella sul mondo di un alieno qualunque che vive la sua vita da alieno qualunque e vuole condividere i suoi consigli spaziali con il resto della galassia. Non dobbiamo essere copie, dobbiamo vivere la nostra vita secondo le nostre regole perchè, in fondo, quello che indossiamo è ciò che siamo e siamo ciò che indossiamo.

Sempre perbene, sempre punk,


Hi everybody!

I’m Ninja, a normal alien who has fallen to Earth a few years ago. I spent my first years on this planet thinking that following step by step what was wrote on the magazines was the right way to become “fashion” or “cool”. But everyday life is not a Victoria’s secret’s parade. Almost no one has Gigi Hadid’s body or Cara Delevigne’s sex appeal. So, we must strive to go beyond what big brands tell us to do (after all we are all a bit ‘ of the no respectable punk ? ). We have to find other ways to create our own style which is not always the same as that we see in magazines. My purposes is to open a window on any aliens’ world  who lives its life as any alien and wants to share its space tips with the rest of the galaxy. We must not be copies , we must live our lives according to our rules because, after all , what we wear is what we are and we are what we wear .

Always good, always punk,
